Oct 22/18 - CHASS CANSIM UPDATE: CANSIM Data loads are now available and continue to be updated daily.
We have made some changes to the existing functionalities to accommodate StatCan Data format change. To learn about the changes please check the info page.
The OLAP view is now accessible for the data released before June 4, 2018. Tables previously identified using CANSIM IDs now use new PIDs. We are still in process of uploading some tables into OLAP, the list of inaccessible tables can be found on the info page under "CANSIM Olap View".
We sincerely appreciate your patience. If you have any questions regarding new changes or need clarification please Email Us.
CANSIM Multidimensional View
CANSIM Time Series View Historical versions of CANSIM |
CANSIM Multidimensionnel
CANSIM Séries Chronologiques Versions historiques de CANSIM |
L'utilisation de CANSIM @ CHASS est limitée au corps professoral, aux étudiants et au personnel des universités participantes.