The list of databases available via www interface
For subscription information to any of these databases please contact
CHASS Support
The Canadian Socio-Economic Information Management System
(CANSIM) comprises over 70 million time series dealing with a
variety of economic, social, financial and monetary issues of
As of 4th of January 2010 CANSIM is updated daily.
Access to the CANSIM database requires a license agreement
with Statistics Canada and the CHASS Computing Facility. Access
to CANSIM (via this WWW server) is only possible for the
current subscribers.
Historical versions of CANSIM available only at CHASS
The Canadian Census Analyser provides access to Canadian
Census Data.
The Census Analyser now includes access to:
- 2011 NHS (National Household Survey) profiles tables
- 2011, 2006, 2001, 1996, 1991, 1986, 1981 Enumeration area / Dissemination area level Profile Tables
- 2011, 2006, 2001, 1996, 1991, 1986, 1981, 1971, 1961 Census Tract level Profile Tables
- 2011, 2006, 2001, 1996, 1991 Provincial and Federal District Profile Tables
- 2011, 2006, 2001, 1996, 1991, 1986, 1981, 1971 Individual Microdata Files.
Access is restricted to all CENSUS subscribers who are also
members of the DLI, and also to the University of Toronto faculty,
staff, and students.
The Microdata Analysis & Subsetting with SDA@CHASS
interface (using SDA software made by University of California, Berkeley ) provides interactive access to a
growing list of selected microdata files. It has the capability to do
on-line analyses (cross-tabulations, means, correlations, regressions,
etc.), as well as download customized subsets of the data for further
analyses with the software of their choice (SAS, SPSS, Stata, etc.).
Access is allowed to users from the University of Toronto and other academic institutions who have current
subscriptions to this database and appropriate agreements with CHASS.
The Trade Analyser includes tables for world trade data, and separate extensive tables for Canadian imports and exports.
- Canadian International Merchandise Trade (CIMT) Database present statistics of Canadian merchandise trade with 200 countries.
Based on the Harmonised System. Canadian imports are classified at the HS 10-digit level and exports at the HS 8-digit level.
Features international trade by province, and Canadian trade with individual U.S. states.
- World Trade is a complex matrix of international trade flows, created from data reported by member countries to the
United Nations Statistical Office, broken down by trading partner and commodity. Value of trade is measured in U.S. dollars.
World Trade is no longer being updated at CHASS.
Access is restricted to the subscribers that have appropriate subscription agreements with CHASS, for academic research and
teaching purposes only, and also to the University of Toronto faculty,
staff, and students.
The Canadian Financial Markets Research Centre (CFMRC) Summary Information Database (or CFMRC TSX Database for short) includes daily and monthly Toronto Stock Exchange trading information about specific securities as well as information on "price adjustments" such as dividends, stock splits, recapitalizations, etc.
The database also includes daily and monthly indexes containing information on daily and monthly index levels as well as selected other financial markets information.
CFMRC TSX Annually is updated annually.
Use of the database is restricted to current faculty, students and staff of the University Of
Toronto and those subscribing universities that have special agreements with the CHASS Facility of the
University of Toronto, for academic research and teaching purposes only. The data may not be used for any
commercial purposes.
The Canadian Financial Markets Research Centre (CFMRC) Summary Information Database (or CFMRC TSX Database for short) includes daily and monthly Toronto Stock Exchange trading information about specific securities as well as information on "price adjustments" such as dividends, stock splits, recapitalizations, etc.
The database also includes daily and monthly indexes containing information on daily and monthly index levels as well as selected other financial markets information.
CFMRC TSX Quarterly is updated quarterly.
Use of the database is restricted to current faculty, students and staff of the University Of
Toronto and those subscribing universities that have special agreements with the CHASS Facility of the
University of Toronto, for academic research and teaching purposes only. The data may not be used for any
commercial purposes.
Extensive and authoritative coverage of market, trading and corporate events for the Toronto Stock Exchange and TSX Venture Exchange are provided in the TSX eReview and TSX Venture eReview, respectively. Sourced and verified by the exchanges, the eReviews are excellent tools to keep you informed on trading and corporate information for Canada’s primary stock exchanges.
The TSX eReview and TSX Venture eReview are monthly PDF publications produced by TSX Datalinx, an operating group of TMX Group Inc.
Access is allowed to users from academic institutions that have current agreements with TSX Datalinx and CHASS. The data may not be used for commercial purposes.
TSX eReview, subscribers ;
TSX Venture eReview, subscribers
The Citicorp macroeconomic database Basic Economics formerly known as CITIBASE, provides annual, quarterly, and monthly data about economic activities in the United States.
The database contains approximately 9,000 series (quarterly edition) / 8,000 series (annual edition) about finance, industrial production, energy, productivity, prices, population and labor, and national income. It also includes various forecasts, population projections, and cyclical indicators.
The CITIBASE databases are updated quarterly or annually where applicable.
Access is allowed to users from the University of Toronto and other academic institutions who have current
annual subscriptions or quarterly subscriptions to this database and appropriate agreements with CHASS.
The Fundata Mutual Fund Database includes information for over 4000 active funds from almost 200 sponsor companies.
Information includes fund status, type, RRSP indicators, sales/redemption charge, currency, dividend frequency, management fees, expense ratios, and percentage foreign invested.
For each fund you may also retrieve time series of data, listing changes in total net assets, NAVPS, income and capital gain dividend per share, share balance and value of investment.
FUNDATAMF is updated monthly.
Access is allowed to users from the University of Toronto and other academic institutions who have current
subscriptions to this database and appropriate agreements with CHASS.
The CRSP Database provides access to:
- CRSP US Stock / provides access NYSE/AMEX/Nasdaq/Arca daily and monthly security prices and other historical data related to over 29,000 companies.
- CRSP Historical Indexes / provides a wide range of indexes that can be used as benchmarks of market performance.
The data is provided by the Center for Research in Security Prices at the University of Chicago Booth School of Business.
CRSP is updated annually.
Access is allowed to users from the University of Toronto and other academic institutions who have current
subscriptions to this database and appropriate agreements with CHASS.
The Dun & Bradstreet - Industry Norms & Key Business Ratios Database provides users with a set of business ratios,
measured as relationships between companies' balance sheet and income statement categories, across industries classified
as per Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) codes.
"Industry norms" is a concept of juxtaposing an individual company's balance sheet and income statement ratios against "norms"
derived from the industry group (as per the SIC code) to which the company belongs.
We also provide an interface to enter an individual company's data and compare them with that company's industry norms.
INKBR is no longer being updated at CHASS.
Access is allowed to users from the University of Toronto and other academic institutions who have current
subscriptions to this database and appropriate agreements with CHASS.
The Penn World Tables, Mark 6.1, provides purchasing power parity and national income accounts converted to international prices for 179 countries for some or all of the years 1950-2000.
The Penn World Tables, Mark 5.6, includes the Summers/Heston macroeconomic data set covering 30 subjects for 152 countries. The current data covers years 1950-1992.
Access to this database is open to everyone and is free.
For subscription information to any of these databases please contact
CHASS Support
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